Zack's crib

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Old MacDonald

...Ok, so it is not old MacDonald, but it is a cow and two farmers. I really like my cow bell. It was a great chew toy.

More Pumkin Patch

Look at all the pumkins

Pumpkin Patch

Grandma and Mommy took me to the pumkin patch. I had lots of fun with the dirt and straw.

Grandma and me

Grandma and I snuggle down for a snooze.

Grandpa and me

Grandma and Grandpa came out to see me. Grandpa and I are poolside newar some of our flowers. Do you like my new teddybear shoes?

Sippy Cup

Mommy and Daddy are trying to get me to use a sippy cup. So far, it is going ok.