Zack's crib

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day

I spent most of my first holiday doing what I like best-sleeping. My big "brother" Cisco joined me. My Mommy got me a bib that said "Baby's 1st Valentine's Day"

Monday, February 13, 2006

My first Mountain Dew run

My Daddy drinks a lot of something called Mountain Dew. He took me for my first Mountain Dew run while I was still in the hospital.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


The doctors said I was a little jaundiced, so they put me on a Bili-blanket. At least I didn't have to go into that tanning bed they call bili-lights. Mommy said I looked like a Gloworm.

The doctor was worried about ABO incompatibility, so put me on the Billi-blanket even though I was only at moderate risk based on the scale for the bilirubin test. They collected my blood every morning while I was in the hospital - making a small cut in my foot, and scooping up the drops of blood into a vial to take them to a lab.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Mommy and Daddy holding me

Mommy and Daddy look so happy to hold me.

Well labeled

Mommy and Daddy have wristbands that match my ankle bracelets. You can see my own special lo-jack that will make the alarms go off if it comes off my leg or if I get too close to the doors for the mother-baby unit. Mommy has a couple of wristbands too. One matches mine, the other 3 are for the blood labs, drug allergies, and an ID bracelet that they keep scanning when they give her drugs.

My first bath

Here's my first bath. The nurse did my body first, and now she's got me wrapped up and is doing my hair.

Babies do come with hats

Mommy and Daddy and me in the recovery room. Or at least I think that's me under the little pink and blue hat.

Time to get a little cleaned up

They took me away from mommy! Daddy came with me, but this is a long way from Mommy. She's not even anywhere I can see. As you can see I'm lettnig these people with the towels know that I'm not happy.