Zack's crib

Friday, March 31, 2006

My First Dance

Here Janneke and I take our first dance (with a little help from Mommy's co-worker's Debbie and Jennifer.) Posted by Picasa

Mommy's Office

Mommy finally took me in to her office so that I could meet everyone. Here I am with Kenzo (he has a son that is a month older than I am who I am anxious to meet), Jean, Janneke (she is 6 weeks younger than I am) and Heather (Janneke's Mommy). I had a lot of fun meeting everyone, but I still prefer Mommy! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Strange Bed Mate

My "brother" and I sharing my crib. He thinks the crib is for him! He also likes to curl up in my Pack and Play

Friday, March 24, 2006


Here I am just chilling in my Boppy pillow.

Who is in my crib?

My big brother (Cisco) decided that I had it pretty good in my crib and decided to join me.


Here I am in my Pooh sleeper that my Great Aunt Holley & Great Uncle Joe along with Holley's mom got me.

Play Ball!

Here I am in my San Francisco Giants outfit. It was a gift from Mommy's former boss Jean. The glove and ball are a gift from Grandma Kathy. Do you think these ladies want me to play ball in a few years?

Frog Towel

Here I am after a bath in my frog towel.


I spend a lot of time in my swing. It helps me to fall asleep or calm me down when I am fussy. I like to watch the birdies and butterflies on top of my swing.

Cool Dude

Here I am wearing my first pair of sunglasses. They came with an outfit Grandma Kathy got me for the beach this summer.

Friday, March 17, 2006

My first surprise!

I helped Mommy and her co-worker pull off a surprise birthday visit to her former boss. We met everyone at a local restaurant and Jean had no idea that we were coming. Here I am with Jean


Here both Mommy and Daddy are feeding me. I think Cisco wanted to share my bottle.

St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! I thought I would show off my special St. Patrick's Day outfit and bib.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Snuggling with Grandma Kathy

When I was five weeks old, Mommy's mom came to meet me. Here we are snuggling. Mommy & Daddy think it is pretty neat that by the time I was five weeks old, I had meet all of my grandparents and we did not have to travel to do so.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Grandpa & Me

When I was four weeks old, my grandpa (Mommy's dad) came to meet me. He likes to be called Grandpa Sports, since he really likes sports. I am glad he has a nickname, because both of my grandfathers are named Robert and use the nickname Bob. It would be to confusing to have two Grandpa Bob's! That is why I have two middle names. My first is of course after Daddy and then I am named after both Grandfathers. How cool!

My First Party

Here I am at my first party! It was a Super Bowl Party at Daddy's friend's house.

Like Father, Like Son

One of my favorite activities is to sleep. Here I am sleeping with one of my favorite people, Daddy!

My First Overalls

Here I am in my first pair of overalls. The quilt was made for me by my great aunt Helen.

Packer Fan

My mommy and daddy are from a place called Wisconsin. Everyone cheers for a team called the Green Bay Packers. Here I am in my first Packer outfit. Mommy and Daddy got it for me when they visited Lambeau Field (where the Packers play) before I was born. The quilt I am laying on was made for me by my great aunt Cindy.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Playing with Daddy

Here I am playing with Daddy in my gym.

Grandma's Gift

Here I am in my actual crib. This sleeper my mommy's mom got me just after she found out I was coming.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Grandma's Quilt

Here I am on the quilt that Daddy's mom made me. It is so cute!

Home from the Hospital

Some of you were wondering how my "big brother" Cisco would react when I got home from the hospital. This picture was taken shortly after we arrived home. It looks like we will be great pals.!

Getting Ready to Go Home

Here Mommy and Daddy were practicing putting me in my infant seat to get ready for the trip home. I was not very happy about it. I still do not like my infant seat that much, but I usually do fall asleep in it.

Grandma & Grandpa

Here I am with my daddy's parents. They came all the way from a place called Wisconsin to visit me in the hospital. They could not wait to meet me!

Wired for Sound

While I was in the hospital they performed a hearing test. They attached lots of wires on me, but it did not hurt at all, I actually slept through the whole thing. My hearing was fine, so I will not have any excuses not to hear Mommy and Daddy when they call me.

Dirty Laundry

Sorry that I have not been able to post for awhile. I thought you might like to see what I have been up to. I have been making plenty of dirty laundry for Mommy and Daddy. This is a picture from the hospital and I created this laundry in less than 24 hours! I think the laundry service was glad I left. Mommy and Daddy were glad that they did not have to this laundry.